Hello Dearies 

Looking for a new bag that is perfect

 for both work and play?

This is dedicated for people who love bags.


Have you heard of


Taiwanese Fashion Bag brand 

Robin May brings you a variety choices of bag for you to choose from 

either you love yours small, sling, tote or even backpack.


Robin May 沉睡貝兒系列  Sleeping Belle Collection



featuring  two zip and slip pockets

 inside the bag for a neat storage.

Finished with a grey-tone ROBIN lettering bar

 at front.

Bonus, it comes with three magnetic snap closure and

  a zip to keep your items secure.


Choose your favourite: 

This bag comes in five colours

Black, Grey, Pink, Powder Pink and Red.

End up I decided to go for Classic Black.

You'll never go out of style especially in black. 

Classy yet casual.


Comes in 2 size, Medium and Large.

Mine is in Medium size.

Roomy enough to store my essentials:

 small purse, power bank, make up pouch and tissue haha.


The bag also comes with an additional 

small compact mirrored pouch.

You can use it to store your coin, paper money or even card.

Don't feel like bringing your wallet out, 

just throw everything inside and you're great to go!


You can also put it inside the bag or 

the back compartment of the bag.



Comes in adjustable and changeable strap.

Casual or classy you decide.



Wondering how to change the strap check out the video above!


This bag also have four metallic studs feet that

can protect the base from scratching and marks. 

Great for those who always put their bag on the floor.



Here's the measurement of the bag

for your reference.



Closer look at 

Sleeping Belle 沉睡貝兒系列  from Robin May 



  Versatile enough to go 

with any outfit.


So pretty isn't?


Me with Robin May Sleeping Belle Bag 

at a blogger event recently ♥

It's so easy for me to pull off 

any kind of style with this.


Priced at NT$990


 - - - 


Good News!!

ROBIN MAY do ship to Malaysia.

Head over to shop via their 

online store today!

There are so many colourful and elegant bags out there 

to choose from their online store.


You can get it from :








Thank you for reading.

Instagram: @amandalynchen

Facebook Page: Amandalyn Chen

Blog: www.amandalynworld.blogspot.my

Reviews are based on my personal opinions and preferences.
Results may vary on different person.
Amandalyn Chen
15 人追蹤

